Useful tools and recipes for facial rejuvenation

For a fun and inexpensive recipes and techniques, as well as helpful tips on skin rejuvenation is known by every person who reads this article, as well as doing them on a regular basis, you will see the results very soon!

Youth is something that he wants to keep the woman for a long time, the use of any such tools and procedures in place, sparing neither itself, nor the effort, nor the money. However, if you don't there is a possibility that you're going to a very expensive area, and to see a beautiful, young, and a lot of the effective you want? Skin rejuvenation is possible, even at home,The girl rejuvenated the skin and they will help you in the cheap pharmacy of the oil, and the "grandma's" recipes.

"Grandma's" recipes

The beauty of the women, it does not disappear for a number of years, " he said a long time ago, because women always know how to take care of themselves, to be beautiful and desirable. Rejuvenation of the face can be made at home using traditional recipes and products that every home owner.

Skin cleansing apricot kernel and buckwheat flour

The skin over the years, it loses its property of self-cleaning, so you have to help her to get rid of the dead skin cells with an exfoliant.

  1. For the realization of the assets, taking 3 of the washed and dried seeds of the apricot (peach), and run them through the grinder for the coffee (best to pre-grind them into the water, so as not to break the unit).
  2. Then, the mixed powder of seed with buckwheat flour at a ratio of 2 to 1 tsp.
  3. Now add to the mix 2 drops each of oils of tea tree, grape seed, wheat germ, and jojoba.
  4. Mix thoroughly, and then apply it to your face, rubbing in a circular motion. Rinse well with warm water.
Mask of wrinkles on the clay

Mask of wrinkles on the clay

The clay contains essential vitamins and minerals, it is not enough for the aging of the skin. There are a variety of traditional recipes using miracle mud, but this one is universal, it suits for any type of skin.

  1. Take 1.5 spoon of the blue, a black, a white clay, add 2 tbsp warm milk and 1 tbsp of heavy cream or sour cream.
  2. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until the clay has dissolved, and then apply the mask on the face.
  3. To keep up her needs for an hour, and then rinse it with boiled water or milk.

At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream fat, coating.

The cover of the citrus

Pay attention, it is not suitable for Allergy sufferers! Citrus fruits contain high doses of vitamin C, which is a well-known antioxidant, and is used not only in the form of the fruit in the plane, but as a mask for the skin.

  1. For preparation, the need for a tbsp of juice from orange, lemon, and grapefruit.
  2. The juice has to pass through the gauze, and there were no particles in the pulp.
  3. In the freshly prepared mixture, add a teaspoon of blue clay, flour, buckwheat, and soy.
  4. Apply the mask on clean face, in the absence of a one-hour, then rinse in water with a little sodium bicarbonate. After the mask, apply a rich moisturizer.

The honey mask it with the spices

The honey and the honeycomb

The most popular recipe of honey and spices is known to far-flung places like India, where the women can look very young even at 50 years of age. Honey mask must be the liquid, it is preferable to use acacia or buckwheat.

  1. Heat tbsp of honey to 40 degrees, and then pour the third tsp of cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg.
  2. Stir the spices so that they are evenly hung it in the honey, and then apply the mixture on the face.
  3. Please be 2-4 hours, and then rinse with warm water.
  4. At the end of the procedure, we will apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream, as the spices can dry out the skin.

If you are allergic to honey, substitute it with molasses, but you will need to choose a natural (starch, for example), not the sugar.

A tonic to the herbal collection

In addition to the scrubs and the masks, each and every day, we need to use a toner, which further moisturize, and clean the surface of the skin. It is sold in any cosmetic shop, but you can make a natural toner at home by using traditional methods. There are two variations, which are:

  • on the base of sage, oak bark, chamomile, (for, oily, or combination skin);
  • on the basis of chamomile, hawthorn, raspberry leaf (dry, normal skin).

In both cases you will need to take these to a pharmacy of herbs in equal quantities (1 tsp to 400 ml water or 1 tbsp per gallon of water) and pour boiling water, let stand for a couple of hours. Then, the soup can be poured into a bottle or jar through the cheesecloth (preferably a couple of times, to sift the liquid from the blades of grass). Tonic kept in the refrigerator, and use it 2 to 3 times a day.

All of these are folk remedies of rejuvenation in the home, it will give the result within a time period of two months, and if you perform them regularly and in combination.

The chemist help in the fight for young people

So you have to save and restore the youthful skin you do not need to prepare yourself, you are able to buy some in the chemist ointment or cream:

  • Ointment for the treatment of acne;
  • Deproteinized gemoderivat;
  • Rejuvenating face cream (a different brand).
A beautiful woman

The special oil is a great antibacterial remedy for various skin defects: acne, rash, redness that the skin over the years, it is appear better and much longer. Apply the money against the disadvantages point out the need for them, and this product is no exception. A clean and healthy skin, look much younger and more beautiful, so that's why you need to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

Deproteinized gemoderivat – the drug in order to improve the penetration of the oxygen to the tissues. With age, the pores of the skin, the worse the flow of gas into the interior of the epithelium, which gradually affected its status: it becomes dry, peel, tissues lose their tone, take a look at those. The ointment is applied to the entire face in a thin layer, gently rubbing it in the face. For people with sensitive skin, it is allowed to be a "waste" of the ointment is a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

A cream for the rejuvenation is very popular and widespread tool, which is really unimaginable effects: smoothing wrinkles, tightening of skin, and so on. Almost all of the cosmetic companies to produce a series of creams for the aging of the skin, promising a rejuvenating effect. But you need to understand that the truth is, this is just a part of it. The age of cosmetics for the face can really smooth out the small wrinkles or to smooth out nasty damage, but neither will it be able to nourish the skin with collagen, and to deal with the deep folds of the skin.

Such creams nourish, replenish essential vitamins and minerals, but it is not and "magic to do." They can also be used in combination with other procedures, and the choice of need to be the focus of a certain amount of time.

General guidelines

A girl eating a healthy salad

It is not enough just to have something to test it on your skin and hope for a miracle! You will need to change your way of life, such as:

  • a review of the menu.
  • to make a sleep schedule;
  • sports;
  • to find the best beauty therapy (massage, masks, peelings);
  • the reduction of stress.

In the menu of people who want to rejuvenate it, you need to be on whole foods: vegetables (vegetables and legumes), fruits (citrus), nuts, and dried fruit, dairy products (excluding butter), oils of plant origin. In the first and fourth group, there is a body needs of protein and vitamins, and the second – an antioxidant, vitamin C, and the third, and final, contain a lot of it Is called the "vitamin of youth". You can also purchase a vitamin and mineral complex for a specific age.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, as well as all of the failures on a lack of sleep are visible to the tired skin and bags under the eyes of the adult females go for a lot longer than younger people.

The exercise has caused your skin to breathe, enriching it with oxygen, giving them a face with a fresher, smoothes wrinkles, removes the excess subcutaneous fat.

Go to a beautician, it is also necessary, because in order to make yourself a professional massage, or therapy, is difficult.

Skin rejuvenation in house conditions it is possible, but you need to make the effort, and all of the actions you have to be a regular. You can't do it without the implementation of these recommendations, only then, the skin will breathe again with youth and beauty.